Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fools!! :D

got to fool a couple people but unfortunately i didnt get any firihenkulhi fundies to comment
well anyway its good to see people supporting gays instead of having blind hatred towards them

sorry if i insulted anyone
actually it is an important fact that we at least acknowledge the fact there r maldivian gays,
christians & atheists ,.........
we have been living in denial for too long
its time to wake up

oh n sometimes i leave messages like this
Happy April Fools!! :D

"ctrl, A"


  1. You are the best.

  2. @firihenkulhi, he was talking about gay fundies. first understand the argument before trying to dissect it.

  3. In short because the fundamentalist is GAY whatever he does is stupid. Nice, so much for your hypocritical support for gay rights homophobes.

  4. no, in short, MOST of the stuff ANY fundamentalist says, be s/he straight or gay, is stupid.

  5. If so why is the author selectively targeting GAY fundamentalists?
