---Don't tell atheists what they think; let them tell you what they think.The single greatest and most common mistake theists make in dialoguing with atheists, in my experience, is to attempt to present the atheist viewpoint themselves and then argue against it. The problem with this is that relatively few theists can accurately depict the atheist viewpoint, and when they try, they often end up presenting nothing but the same old false stereotypes - atheists are nihilists, atheists have no purpose in life, atheists just want to be free of moral restraint, atheists are angry or arrogant, and so on - which are common in apologetic literature, but which do not represent the true beliefs of the vast majority of atheists. The result is that the theist goes to some effort only to set up and then knock down a straw man, while the atheist's actual position remains untouched. This brings the atheist no closer to converting. If anything, it is far more likely to produce annoyance at the one who would presume to speak for atheists without understanding their views, and make a conversion even less likely.To evangelistic theists, my best advice is this: Don't rely on books written by other theists to tell you what atheists think. Don't even rely on books written by theists who claim they are ex-atheists. Most such books, based on the ones I have read, cannot be trusted to accurately convey the atheist viewpoint. If you want to learn about a position, there is no substitute for asking people who actually hold that position. If you want to have a productive dialog with an atheist, be sure to assume as little as possible, and whenever it is practical ask them what they think, rather than presuming.-Don't assume that atheists aren't familiar with the beliefs of your religion.-Don't make assertions you're not prepared or willing to defend.-Don't ignore sincere questions.As in the last point, ignoring or evading honest questions is a very bad idea when dialoguing with an atheist. It will raise in their minds the suspicion not only that you cannot defend your faith (and thus why should they convert at your say-so?), but that the evidence is not there at all. If you feel like you're being overwhelmed with questions, say so. If you don't know the answer to a question, say so. But do not refuse to acknowledge a question, and do not impugn the atheist's motives for asking it. If a person asks a question, it is probably because they want an answer.-Don't use threats, personal insults, or ad hominem attacks.-Don't try to be an armchair psychologist.I find it all too common for proselytizers to attempt to psychoanalyze someone they have just met, or even someone they have never met, confidently speculating on the abusive upbringing, personal tragedy or bad experience with a church that led the person to abandon belief in God and become an atheist out of anger or bitterness. It is a fool's errand to try to see into someone else's mind in this manner; not only that, it will usually be wrong. …………………………..-Don't ask atheists to do something for you if you're not prepared to offer the same courtesy in return.-Don't refuse to acknowledge your mistakes.We are all human, and we all make mistakes. This by itself will not necessarily immediately doom any attempt to convert an atheist; what is more important is how you respond when it does happen. In general, atheists value honesty, but look dimly on any attempt by people to appear infallible. Most atheists will be much more impressed if you admit your mistake, accept correction and move on. On the other hand, making a mistake and then doggedly refusing to admit it after being corrected - or worse, repeating the same erroneous claim after its falsity was pointed out - is a surefire way to be ignored. After all, doing this is the sign of a dishonest person, and why should we believe anything a dishonest person says?-Don't assume that any one atheist speaks for all atheists.-Don't refuse to consider the atheist viewpoint honestly and seriously.This may be the most difficult item on this list for many theists, but in many ways, it is the most vital. Many people approach the atheism/theism debate with the attitude that their own viewpoint is the only one worth taking seriously, and that all others are beneath their notice and can be dismissed without further consideration. Whether this belief is explicitly stated or not, it will pervade all the arguments of the person who holds it, and will likely lead to a corresponding reaction in others who can sense that they are being treated with contempt. Simply stated, if you approach an atheist with the attitude that you have nothing to learn from them, you will most definitely not make a convert. Treat their position with respect and give their arguments the honest consideration they deserve, and you will have a right to expect the same in return.---
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
How to convert a kafir
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Evil atheists r trying to kill U!!
dont trust ur mind its exactly what the devil wants u to do
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
R there any tolerant Muslims
If it is a school then im a retard who just don’t get it & u Muslims r the smart people
If I was superior & I knew it I would never bully a retard kid & would never make personal attacks at him/her -not unless they r dictating over me, even then I wouldn’t make personal attacks
But lately it seems that every muslim activist in this country is hell bent on picking on someone using lowest of low attacks
All the while claiming to be tolerant yet intolerant, peaceful but war, civilized but uncivilized & thinking yet unthinking
Guess I am a retard for thinking muslims wouldn’t sink that low
U know it almost like they themselves don’t believe in their god
If an unbeliever offend ur god its not ur job to show them gods wrath
An all powerful god could do that himself
I just read simons latest post & the comments below (aaisha)
How could anyone wish a loving parent to loose a kid
& how could she say it out loud
Please tell me this is not what it means to be a muslim
Friday, November 13, 2009
Just realized im a Muslim Freethinker :D
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
will you go to heaven or hell?
Friday, October 9, 2009
Minster of Islamic affairs fights extremism!!
Shaheem said the regulations will come under the Religious Unity Act and will be enforced after about a month after consultation with the president. ...Full Story>
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Beware of Christiannnsss!!!
The party requested all copies of the book to be sent to the ministry of Islamic affairs.
“Nothing like this should be done in the Maldives. All our beloved citizens should be alert to these proselytising activities,” the statement said. “We must be vigilant and aware of these activities and these people to protect our youth.”
And that problem is transport.
It is very very expensive,
Because Maldive islands too far.
Throw transport down the well,
So my country can be free.
We must make travel easy,
Then we have big party!
In my country there is problem,
And that problem is the Christian.
they spread books & their money,
And they always tell lies.
Throw the Christian down the well,
So my country can be free.
You must grab him by his tong
Then we have big party.
If you see the Christian coming,
You must be careful of his books.
You must grab him by his tong,
And I tell you what to do...
Throw the Christian down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his tong
Then we have big party
Throw the Christian down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his tong
Then we have big paaaartyyy!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
..... eh!?
but this is just highly ridicules - u should come up with a new name for these guys for acting so stupid ...if u claim this is not the true islam
In an interview with the BBC before he was killed, Mr Yusuf, 39, said such education "spoils the belief in one God".
"There are prominent Islamic preachers who have seen and understood that the present Western-style education is mixed with issues that run contrary to our beliefs in Islam," he said.
"Like rain. We believe it is a creation of God rather than an evaporation caused by the sun that condenses and becomes rain.
"Like saying the world is a sphere. If it runs contrary to the teachings of Allah, we reject it. We also reject the theory of Darwinism." .....Full story >
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The myth about pedophiles
Monday, August 31, 2009
Only god knows
Personal amusement
Now this option is very likely if something like one of the Abrahamic religion is actually true, think of it like a tv series its always about some sort of conflict & idiotic things happening – the crazier u act the happier god gets
God picks different people n tell them different things n they all gets confused n fight over which one is right some of them saying growing a beard will get u into heaven
Ever changing force of creation
Now this is quite interesting, god as force of invention something that creates thing & is always changing something like the force behind the universe, physics-
The test
What is he testing us for, do we look in ourselves for an explanation or do we look in our surrounding, id say both
We r the dominant species, we can be greed, lie, manipulate, torture, destroy, we can even destroy ourselves, we r free to do whatever..
So lets rewind back to our “creation”, god created us & told everyone to kneel down to us!! We were the dominant species there too
God does not interfere god does not show us miracles God is like a non existent thing
So again here is the question “what is our god testing us for?”
im not gonna give u what my conclusion would be but i certainly dont believe in a god who would ask us not to think for ourselves & have blind faith in a 1400 year old manuscript
~ Galileo Galilei ~
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
God & his bright idea

In the beginning god created man & gave him freewill
later on god got bored of inventing stuff & wanted his most note worthy creation to worship him day in day out
so he got an idea “ill inspire one of them (who has free will) to write a book with the important message- worship me n believe in me with a 100% or burn in hell for all eternity” along with some vague prophecy of the future & past (prehistoric age wasnt important)
Surely his perfect creations would be trustworthy enough with an important message like this….
First try – Damn fucking jews!!
Second try – Jesus u r stealing my thunder!!
Third try – wtf is wrong with these people!!
(& these three mother fuckers r dividing into multiple subgroups)
If only god knew this would happen … wait doesn’t he know everything??
can u seriously believe in a god that chose to communicate in such a flawed manner
~ Galileo Galilei~
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Message to dhive-seh
U seem to be real eager to argue over faults of bilal philips
Well heres the news for u, finding fault in BILAL PHILLIPS is as important as the mosquito buzzing outside my window, if it don’t mess with me I got no problem with it
think of it this way, say that a kid is rambling on about how his imaginary super pal is perfectly logical, paradox free & has to exists, Would u spend even 15 minutes analyzing his word & the so called “proof”
I didn’t even watch it I spent that time playing Sudoku
(hope this makes ur day a little brighter)
Monday, August 3, 2009
What r u a Christian??!
man it was a slap to may face, fucking insulting
though that guy was seriously insane (some what like ibn khattab)
but some of them seriously believe If we stop being a muslim we turn Christian
do they think after leaving an indoctrination like islam we would want to join another similar cult (with much more flaws than islam- in my opinion)
r they so caught up in the quran & praying that they forgot that it’s a fact there just might not be a god, seriously r they that small minded that they cant comprehend the idea if a universe without a god
all they have to do is replace the name "god" with an x (something yet unknown)
Friday, July 31, 2009
Now this is a f#@king joke

First of all I don’t drink or do any drugs & rarely smoke
I met some guys from Maldives who drinks n stuff we were hanging out & the subject of suicide came up, what the guy said was if anyone commit suicide they will keep on dying repeatedly for all eternity! like a ton of bricks it hit me im the ONLY guy not drinkin & am an atheist yet everyone there (most of em) considered themselves muslim… seriously wtf!!!
understanding a religious mindset is beyond me
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." -Albert Einstein
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
my fav muslim blogger
this is my favorite muslim the muslim i want every muslim to be like (if u cant handle it quit pretending to be one)
he doesn't pretend to be peaceful if u fuck with him he is gonna cut off ur head & its the islamic way
im so happy to see a muslim who knows n believes islam is violent, sadistic & accept it a 100%
sure he'll justify things like -hypothetically
"well if we dont rape them they wont where a buruga- & god really wants them to where moonu buruga"
he will accept rape is wrong but its allowed in Islamic so its right
this is a model citizen in the islamic way
Saturday, April 18, 2009
1+2=3 .....3+3=3 . .??!!
ive been trying to get god to design a plant for me but had become all yellowy n dying since I asked god to make it
ive prayed god to save it but nothing happened so I watered it & gave it some sunlight
now it seems to be doing somewhat better
so it got me thinking does god work through what he created
watering plants through the rain cycle & a fiery star billions of miles away giving it light
its all automatic
a complex image can be broken down into only 3 colors
whts so difficult in believing that those three colors existed without having a divine creator
& y r u so compelled to believe that purple is not the a mixture of red & blue but an entity on its own that god himself created out of purple light dust
Friday, April 17, 2009
What If God Disappeared?
O.O nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! dont disappear!!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Documentary against islam
i think they r a bunch of hypocrites but they do make some good points
if anyone watches this & feels offended please do explain
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Adhaalath's prayers came true!!!
unfortunately it came in the form of a tornado
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Happy April Fools!! :D

got to fool a couple people but unfortunately i didnt get any firihenkulhi fundies to comment
well anyway its good to see people supporting gays instead of having blind hatred towards them
sorry if i insulted anyone
actually it is an important fact that we at least acknowledge the fact there r maldivian gays,
christians & atheists ,.........
we have been living in denial for too long
its time to wake up
oh n sometimes i leave messages like this
Happy April Fools!! :D
"ctrl, A"
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
forgive me for my sins
my life is just one fuck up to another
from an abusive childhood to a social outcast
please Allah almighty please forgive me for my sins
this is where my loveless life had lead me & I cant take anymore of it
seeing the razor in front of me I can barely hold my self from cutting
surrounded by happy muslims with their loved ones just amplifies my empty life with no knowledge no truth just my bitter tongue to create conflict
the only reason i have this blog is to get some form of attention
only thing keeping me from killing myself was my love for him
unfortunately last week I confessed my love for him….
Not only did he reject me but he felt the need to beat me up
2 broken ribs & a swollen face ………am I that much of an abomination
I shouldn’t have been born I should just disappear from the face of the earth
Please Allah forgive me for the sin I am yet to commit
laa ilaaha illAllah Muhammadur rasool Allah
happy april fools
enjoy the gay atheist muslim wannabe suicide note
Sunday, March 29, 2009
can i be a muslim & hate god? o.O

is it ok to curse at god? (if im a muslim)
like say "u bastard u didnt make enough rain last friday"
i would very much like to be that kinda muslim ^_^
Monday, March 16, 2009
Is Anni, Majeed’s Bitch?
Before u know it torrent & social network sites would come down
But banning simon’s site means they have lost the intellectual battle now they r gonna resort to violence/bulling tactics
It was a non religious site from a normal guy with his thoughts
& banning that which means “don’t think! just do what we say!!”
What a democracy this is
Got some interesting days ahead of us

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Vatican says evolution & Creation in Genesis are "perfectly compatible"!!
look at those idiotic Christians throwing away their faith just like that, Muslims r much smarter than that – they wouldn’t change their faith just like that!!
cause they r soo smart & noble
they know whts the difference between truth & fiction
(Sarcasm, look it up)
something for the Harun Yahya's fans
google video
keep in mind everything richard dawkins says is false! he is the devil himself!!
gotta hand it to the guy, he is a good artist
captures the religious mindset very well
almost scary seeing the extent of the delusions (in my opinion)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
so how do u know u r not following the devil?

not that i believe in god or the devil
but how do u know ur religion is actually what god wants n not what the devil wants
as i said in one of my previous posts
everyone has a brain but only prophets receive the messages of god
freethinking is the devils work yet a book written thousand years ago is gods words
dont u think god would be more powerful than the devil
look at what religion has done to the world
conflict chaos confusion n war - this sure looks like the work of the devil
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
?!?!....go figure

heres what im talking about
"Einstein is so stupid cause he couldnt figure out something that was written in the quran long ago"
someone said that to me
can anyone explain this to me (someone who knows something about Einstein)
-denying things they did in the past
-forcing people to pray (what good is it gonna do if u r forcing)
-saying anything to to defend what they think is right
Forgotten rules (well this is what they taught me at school)
-anyone who leaves islam should be killed
-anyone who drinks alcohol or use drugs is to be banned from the religion(i guess that means they should be killed)
-anyone who commits adultery should be killed
what was it for murder?............ something about camels....... seriously??!!
& the no. #1 rule, u must believe without a doubt (or nothing u do will be counted in the heavenly score sheet)
“There are no gods besides Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah “
(well to some people it’s a forgotten ruler- people who say it in Arabic & don’t really think about it)
do u really believe theres a god up in the sky s or in another dimension watching over us & judging us on how we behave
if thats so i dont think god wants peace he wants some chaos - y else would he allow such things
wonder how many people would actually make it to Islamic heaven
God said this! God said that!! o.O
Don’t gambling
God made a wager with the devil
Don’t waste
God made a universe with a 0% population
Don’t lie
No freedom of choice
Everyone should be treated as equals
No rights to women (according to extremists)
No respect for other faiths
I might have been a believer if they didn’t try to put a good spin on that bastard
u know how i came to be an atheist?
its because i dont need a twisted set of rules given to a prophet 1000 something years ago, "god "gave me a brain so i can think for my self & i see no evidence for a god so y should i lie to myself into believing in a god
everyone has a brain, & freethinking = devil
only prophets could receive gods sms & that = god
i thought(think) god would be more powerful than devil
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Pascals wager
wiki link - Pascals wager
this is a post about the comments on the previous post
ok batty boy & Blaise Pascal
lets say if u dont get anally raped 100 times in ur life god said he'll poke a spike through ur ass & out ur mouth & roast u like a shish kabab everyday for all eternity
will u get anally raped 100 times?
also if enough people dont get raped
sometime in the future a huge wave is gonna wash away the unholy from maldives!!
will u believe me
pascal wager recommends that u should get ur ass raped
im just blurting out random shit here & u r a retard if u think everything anyone says is the absolute truth
all u can do is evaluate what to believe with the knowledge u gain & find a way to coexist
u just cant assume some random shit to be true
& u cant expect everyone to follow ur faith
gotta ask how many of u actually thought about y u believe in god
think of y u dont believe in other religions & ull know y i dont believe in ur religion
Sunday, January 4, 2009
What it's Like to be an Atheist
so heres an article with the terminology u might be able to corp with
Santa & the Atheist
read full story here
(this takes place in a world where they believe Santa is real )
Picture your life unfolding in this world: As a child you also believe in Santa because your parents told you to, but as you grow up you become skeptical, some things just don't seem to add up. By the time you're six or seven years-old, you start asking legitimate questions like "How does Santa get down the little chimney, how does Santa get the time to visit each house, how does Santa know the kids who've been good from the ones who've been bad" and so forth. These questions elicit first strangely evasive answers devoid of content and a general sense of unease among the adults you're asking. Over the next few years that moves onto reactions of scorn, patronizing insults, and open hostility. But never, ever one single answer that holds up over time.
Finally you come to suspect there is a real possibility that there is no literal Santa Claus at the North Pole with a toy factory run by elves and flying reindeer. You began gently asking other folks about your concern. But, when you confide in a few of your most trusted friends and closest family members that the whole Santa idea is a nice sentiment to be sure, but it doesn't make much rational sense and there is no evidence for it, the reaction ranges from puzzlement, to pity, to shock, to anger, to open accusations and implications that you're some kind of mental defective for even wondering about it.
You don't understand what's going on, none of this Santa stuff makes any sense and there's zero evidence for it, why can't everyone just admit that? What's the big conspiracy about? Why is everyone pretending there really is a Santa? Then it slowly dawns on you, around age ten or eleven ... the chilling, horrible truth:
They're Not Pretending. They REALLY Do Believe There Is a Santa Claus. (lmao at this point XD)
Egads! Holy Shit! You suddenly feel a little bit lonely at age sixteen as you come to realize that you may surrounded by fully grown adults who are delusional incompetents that cannot distinguish fiction from fact and are enthralled by some kind of massive group hysteria! They're most of them all like that! And they all think you're nuts for not buying into their delusion! What the hell is wrong with these fucking people, can't they see how crazy this shit is? ......(continue to full story)
think about it
only one (or non) of u can be right so a major part of the worlds population is obviously crazy u have to admit that, its just simple math