Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
?!?!....go figure

heres what im talking about
"Einstein is so stupid cause he couldnt figure out something that was written in the quran long ago"
someone said that to me
can anyone explain this to me (someone who knows something about Einstein)
-denying things they did in the past
-forcing people to pray (what good is it gonna do if u r forcing)
-saying anything to to defend what they think is right
Forgotten rules (well this is what they taught me at school)
-anyone who leaves islam should be killed
-anyone who drinks alcohol or use drugs is to be banned from the religion(i guess that means they should be killed)
-anyone who commits adultery should be killed
what was it for murder?............ something about camels....... seriously??!!
& the no. #1 rule, u must believe without a doubt (or nothing u do will be counted in the heavenly score sheet)
“There are no gods besides Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah “
(well to some people it’s a forgotten ruler- people who say it in Arabic & don’t really think about it)
do u really believe theres a god up in the sky s or in another dimension watching over us & judging us on how we behave
if thats so i dont think god wants peace he wants some chaos - y else would he allow such things
wonder how many people would actually make it to Islamic heaven
God said this! God said that!! o.O
Don’t gambling
God made a wager with the devil
Don’t waste
God made a universe with a 0% population
Don’t lie
No freedom of choice
Everyone should be treated as equals
No rights to women (according to extremists)
No respect for other faiths
I might have been a believer if they didn’t try to put a good spin on that bastard
u know how i came to be an atheist?
its because i dont need a twisted set of rules given to a prophet 1000 something years ago, "god "gave me a brain so i can think for my self & i see no evidence for a god so y should i lie to myself into believing in a god
everyone has a brain, & freethinking = devil
only prophets could receive gods sms & that = god
i thought(think) god would be more powerful than devil
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Pascals wager
wiki link - Pascals wager
this is a post about the comments on the previous post
ok batty boy & Blaise Pascal
lets say if u dont get anally raped 100 times in ur life god said he'll poke a spike through ur ass & out ur mouth & roast u like a shish kabab everyday for all eternity
will u get anally raped 100 times?
also if enough people dont get raped
sometime in the future a huge wave is gonna wash away the unholy from maldives!!
will u believe me
pascal wager recommends that u should get ur ass raped
im just blurting out random shit here & u r a retard if u think everything anyone says is the absolute truth
all u can do is evaluate what to believe with the knowledge u gain & find a way to coexist
u just cant assume some random shit to be true
& u cant expect everyone to follow ur faith
gotta ask how many of u actually thought about y u believe in god
think of y u dont believe in other religions & ull know y i dont believe in ur religion
Sunday, January 4, 2009
What it's Like to be an Atheist
so heres an article with the terminology u might be able to corp with
Santa & the Atheist
read full story here
(this takes place in a world where they believe Santa is real )
Picture your life unfolding in this world: As a child you also believe in Santa because your parents told you to, but as you grow up you become skeptical, some things just don't seem to add up. By the time you're six or seven years-old, you start asking legitimate questions like "How does Santa get down the little chimney, how does Santa get the time to visit each house, how does Santa know the kids who've been good from the ones who've been bad" and so forth. These questions elicit first strangely evasive answers devoid of content and a general sense of unease among the adults you're asking. Over the next few years that moves onto reactions of scorn, patronizing insults, and open hostility. But never, ever one single answer that holds up over time.
Finally you come to suspect there is a real possibility that there is no literal Santa Claus at the North Pole with a toy factory run by elves and flying reindeer. You began gently asking other folks about your concern. But, when you confide in a few of your most trusted friends and closest family members that the whole Santa idea is a nice sentiment to be sure, but it doesn't make much rational sense and there is no evidence for it, the reaction ranges from puzzlement, to pity, to shock, to anger, to open accusations and implications that you're some kind of mental defective for even wondering about it.
You don't understand what's going on, none of this Santa stuff makes any sense and there's zero evidence for it, why can't everyone just admit that? What's the big conspiracy about? Why is everyone pretending there really is a Santa? Then it slowly dawns on you, around age ten or eleven ... the chilling, horrible truth:
They're Not Pretending. They REALLY Do Believe There Is a Santa Claus. (lmao at this point XD)
Egads! Holy Shit! You suddenly feel a little bit lonely at age sixteen as you come to realize that you may surrounded by fully grown adults who are delusional incompetents that cannot distinguish fiction from fact and are enthralled by some kind of massive group hysteria! They're most of them all like that! And they all think you're nuts for not buying into their delusion! What the hell is wrong with these fucking people, can't they see how crazy this shit is? ......(continue to full story)
think about it
only one (or non) of u can be right so a major part of the worlds population is obviously crazy u have to admit that, its just simple math